Find University Courses - Real SEO™ website by Krisada

Online Freelance Digital Marketing Class and Courses for the fastest career path with the least amount of time or money to invest.


Sign up here for our new online digital marketing class from Real SEO™ by Sr. SEO Specialist Krisada Eaton for people looking into freelance work online. 

This will be free for those that sign up for the beta test version so that you can help us build and refine the program.

The Digital Marketing Courses are broken down by these website case examples:


  1. NoFucks™ Bar

  2. Buy Real SEO™ Websites

  3. AI Now Guide of Best AI Apps

  4. Pro Personal Brands

  5. Personal Brands Pro

  6. Fishing in Florida

  7. Website Rescue Org

  8. Smart Internet Investing

  9. Quick Rank AI

  10. Smart Digital Investing

  11. Online Class Courses

  12. Health Website Marketing

  13. Longevity Forward

  14. Age Life Forward

  15. Age Better Today

  16. Living Naturally Now

  17. iBluezone Life

  18. Blue Zonegevity

  19. After50 Life

  20. After50 Life Org

  21. Natural Herb Library

  22. Naturopathic Science

  23. Naturopathic Science Org

  24. Lyme Organizations

  25. Lyme Specialists

  26. Olives & Avocados

  27. Steaking Out

  28. Supplements Apothecary

  29. Supplements No Minimum

  30. Digital Health Insurance

  31. Healthy Web AI

  32. Online Health Ins

  33. Buy Health Websites

  34. Buy Prints for Sale

  35. Digital Artist Life

  36. AI Artist Life

  37. Krisada Art

  38. SEO Specialist Florida

  39. Official Krisada Website